Renew Your Soul, Elevate Your Spirit

A Soulful Awakening Retreat with Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey and Kim Moriyama

Join Kim and Clarissa amidst the breathtaking landscapes of Ridgway, Colorado as we embrace the Summer Solstice, marking the longest day of the year!

Indulge in serenity within the tranquil mountainous retreat, surrounded by a community of kindred spirits. Our retreat promises awe-inspiring mountain views, invigorating hikes, reflective journaling sessions, thrilling rock adventures (optional), and a myriad of creative experiences, all complemented by nourishing meals to fuel your body and soul.

Each day will unfold with a unique theme, culminating in a moment of quiet introspection to honor the abundance of light on this special day.

Immerse yourself in the beauty of nature and the warmth of companionship, forging connections with fellow travelers on the journey to holistic well-being. Whether seeking solitude or craving adventure, nearby hiking trails beckon, with an optional rock-climbing expedition on Thursday, June 20th for those seeking an adrenaline rush. Our dedicated private chef will craft delectable dinners to tantalize your taste buds and replenish your spirit throughout the weekend.

Depart from our retreat renewed and inspired, ready to embrace the vibrant energy of summer that lies ahead!

This GORGEOUS experience is only $497

Are you prepared to embark on a journey of soulful rejuvenation? 

With Kim and Clarissa leading the way, you're in expert hands. Drawing from decades of collective experience in mind, body, spirit, leadership, and creativity, they're dedicated to guiding you through a mid-year renewal like no other.

Crafted with care, this retreat is designed to…

Ignite the flames of your soul and unlock your boundless potential, offering a rich array of experiences to delve into the depths of your inner being. You'll be encouraged to forge connections with the natural world and tap into your inherent strength and wisdom.

Through a tapestry of rituals, meditations, creative exercises, mindful movement, and personalized coaching, you'll gain crystal-clear clarity on your purpose and reignite your passion for life's journey.

Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to engage in transformative practices such as The Sedona Method and liberating your inner artist, paving the way for a future filled with confidence, purpose, and grace.

There are countless reasons to reconnect with your true essence:

  • Experience heightened clarity, embracing and utilizing your divine gifts to their fullest potential.
  • ​Cultivate the confidence to share your unique life's work with the world, empowered by your newfound sense of purpose.
  • Release the burdens of constant "doing" and rediscover the essence of who you are at your core.

Remember, your journey towards self-realization doesn't conclude with the retreat

Kim and Clarissa are committed to helping you seamlessly integrate your newfound insights into your daily life, empowering you to radiate light and become a beacon of hope and positivity within your community.

Meet your Facilitators

About Kim:

Kim coaches people to welcome the fullness of the human beings that they are, and embrace the ever-present inner wisdom, creativity, and bravery to live a life that brings fulfillment, peace and joy. She teaches her clients calming breathwork, The Sedona Method of Letting Go, and champions them as they transform their life with courage and love. Kim also catalyzes human creative potential as a Leadership Development Trainer for the Center for Creative Leadership, working with professionals in corporate, government, and not for profit organizations to deepen their self-awareness, manifest doors where before there were only walls, and discover how to work together in new ways for meaningful and practical outcomes. She is also a Wilderness Rites of Passage Guide in training, facilitating personal and group evolution through deep reflection and authentic connections with nature.  

About Clarissa:

Clarissa Castillo-Ramsey, PsyD is an abstract artist, transformational coach, author, podcaster, and organizational psychologist with a passion for helping creatives and mid-lifers design life on their terms. She empowers individuals to ‘paint their path’ using her 5-step framework. Clarissa describes her coaching and teaching style as the intersection of leadership development, creativity, and wellness. Her online summits, From Employee to Creative Entrepreneur and The Creative Abundant Leadership Summit have helped thousands of aspiring creative entrepreneurs experience breakthroughs, so they can become their own boss. Her superpowers: being a relentless cheerleader for possibility, giving tough love to stretch her clients, and holding space for people to show up as they are. 

What’s Included:
  • Hiking
  • ​Stellar nature views
  • Great vibes!
  • Catered dinners
  • ​Light breakfast
  • Reflection + exploration time
  • ​​Vision board materials
  • ​Coaching opportunities
  • ​Special curated gift bag for our co-creators (you!)
What’s Not Included:
  • Airfare
  • ​Transportation
  • Accommodations
  • ​Lunches
Renew Your Soul, Elevate Your Spirit


Thursday afternoon - climbing (optional)
Thursday evening - summer solstice ritual; catered dinner
Friday afternoon - free time or optional hike
Friday evening - social time; paint a rock; catered dinner
Saturday morning - meditation, movement, journaling
Saturday afternoon - mid-year collaging activity OR journaling exercise
Saturday evening - catered dinner together
Sunday morning - gratitude and wrap up, declaration, and celebration. Noon end time.

"Kim's words resonate with me often as does her lovely smiling face. What a wonderful space she holds for people to let down barriers and reconnect with themselves."

- Melissa Hamilton, Brave Feminine Leadership Founder

"Clarissa has been a major influence in both my personal and professional development. She has been continuously supporting and guiding me through any challenging situations and have been a wonderful sounding board. Her encouraging words, constant communication, and creative methods have been vital to improving my overall development. She is intelligent, kind, creative, original, personable, and a very good listener. Clarissa is a skilled facilitator trainer and trusted mentor, with the depth and breadth of personal experience that gives her the ability to relate to people from all walks of life. Our team has flourished under her guidance as she had the remarkable ability to create a warm, supportive environment in any situation.
She is a joy to work with and knowing her has enriched me as a whole. She will always have my highest recommendation."

- Katherine Novales, Regional Manager, Pacific Dental Services

"Before working with Clarissa, I was always asking “why would anyone want to hear from me?” But now, I’m asking “why not me?” I made the leap to full time illustrator before 1:1 coaching but found myself in the employee mindset of waiting for permission to take the next step.

Clarissa changed my outlook and reminded me of my own power. She guided me past the excuses, pushed me to do the scary thing and cheered me on along the way. My confidence has continue to rise, as I learned to prioritize the work that would actually move the ball forward and keep promises to myself…She genuinely cares about each and every individual and works to bring the best out of us as we are, I never felt like I was being molded into something that didn’t feel genuine to me. I’m not sure where I’d be without coaching, but I can say it wouldn’t be nearly as far without her support and guidance. Worth every penny!"

- Lauren Nagy, Illustrator and Graphic Designer

"This workshop was just what I needed! And the atmosphere, space, and energy here was over and above what I expected. I strongly recommend everyone who’s ready to create a vision for themselves, get clear, and have a playful time. Do this! It’s worth it!"

- Joan Spinelli

"My internal and external strength has increased and I am quite resilient to the ups and downs of daily life running a successful business as a woman in a male dominated industry. My personal relationship is thriving... and I have to thank you for allowing me to see that I could go out and do that and not be dragged down with guilt or self doubt. Kim, thank you from the bottom of my heart! " 

-Pat Hobson, Classic [Auto] Performance Servicing and Dyno Owner


Where do I fly in?
Montrose, Colorado (MTJ)

What other airports are close by? 
Durango, Colorado (DRO) and Grand Junction, Colorado (GJT)

What hotels do you recommend?

Will there be vegetarian options?
Yes, let us know any dietary needs.

Are tickets refundable?
No, but if you cannot make it, you may gift your spot to another woman.

What clothing should I bring? 
Dress for variable weather, comfortable walking shoes.

How strenuous are these hikes and walks? 
Beginner to advanced hikes available.

How much does it cost? 

Do you have a different question? 
Contact Clarissa at